橙柿互动消息 杭州是一座旅游休闲之都,曾被马可波罗称为“世界上最美丽华贵之天城”。随着144小时过境免签政策的深入实施,越来越多的国际游客选择将杭州作为中国游的第一站。为了更好地向国际游客传递杭州休闲舒适、宜居宜游的城市气质,近日《梦想天堂》英文版进行了一次正式发布。
时隔8年,在近日举办的2024杭州都市圈入境旅游推介会上,重新制作的《梦想天堂》英文版正式对外发布,并邀请到最近在杭州旅居的非洲喀麦隆爵士四重奏乐队 Gaelle Wondje Quartet及在浙音附中任教的郭逸鸿老师进行现场演绎,众多来自欧洲、东南亚的国际旅行商们在现场见证了这一时刻。
Fill that white cloud in the sky with your name
Show the fantasy to this whole new world
Embracing whoever you met with your arms
You make everyone feel at home
Have you ever been to the hill of solitude?
Or the West Lake?
They’re waiting (for your tour)
Have you ever been wandering in our neighborhood?
In this Sky City, your dream will come true
Here is our home
the heaven on the earth
Where shiny water mirrors the dreamof the smiling face
Here is our home
The heaven on earth
Where we all come to realize our dreamand color our lives